Chapter 26: Xanadu

"Haha, brothers continue to drink. We are guarding this Wal-Mart supermarket and there is nothing missing. I have already counted them. The food can at least support us to eat for two or three years. We have wine and are drunk now. On the street where the meeting was once resident, a group of people in green shirts were setting the table while eating barbecue and drinking.

Under the influence of alcohol, the unpleasantness that had happened with Richemont and Yang Yi just now caused them to be thrown out of the sky. At this time, they were all full of energy and looked excited, as if they were returning to a peaceful gathering of friends.

Moreover, I don't know when, besides those men, there were more or less one or two women sitting beside them, cuddling and cuddling while drunk, doing what they always wanted to do. Although many of these people are relatives, as long as they are replaced, they are still the same...

"Brother Sun, you still have a vision. Why didn't I expect to count the food." The woman with heavy makeup next to the green shirt looked at him with admiration and said, dripping from her eyes.

"Haha, Xiaomei, what a little thing is this little thing, I want to take everyone together to create the glory of mankind in these last days." The green shirt laughed, then said, and then pulled off his shirt and put the cup away. The red wine in the room was drunk.

"That's right, the two boys just now wanted to avenge their grievances. If we hadn't helped them cut down the Black Dragon Club, they would have been beaten into hornet's nests." A white and fat guy smiled and complimented, and at the same time filled the green shirt. The wine.

"Haha, what else can they do with grandson here?"

Before the outbreak of the Resident Evil, this green shirt was just a salesperson for a small company. He has always lived in this neighborhood. He was affected by anger all day, and he was also shy of being a man. How did you ever think that in this end of the world, I would treat this neighborhood? The familiarity with him actually gave him an unparalleled advantage and became the savior of this group of people.

Suddenly, thanks to the compliments of the wine and the people next to him, the green shirt's self-confidence was extremely inflated, and he felt like a superman. He began to fantasize about leading everyone to recuperate, rushing out of the steel city, and saving the world. , Could not help but hugged the girl with heavy makeup and gave a savage kiss, in exchange for the other side's shy face, and the cheers of other people, including the husband of the girl with heavy makeup...

"Brothers!" The green shirt stood up heartily, preparing to tell his future subordinates of his plan, and suddenly he staggered and almost fell.

"Brother Sun drank too much..." His eyes hurriedly stood up to support him, but just as he held the green shirt, his body also shook and almost fell to the ground: "No, the ground is shaking!"

"Oh----" At the same time, a screaming howl came from the west city, like a wailing from Jiuyou Hell, instantly scaring everyone's faces white!

"Boom..." The wine glasses in their hands were all unsteady, and fell to the ground and smashed to pieces, but no one had time to worry about it.

"Yes... what is it?" Not far from them, there was a pile of rubble on the other side of the street. This pile of rubble was originally a collapsed building, almost ten meters high, and they depended on it for a living. A strong barrier to block zombies.

At this time, everyone looked at the gravel pile in front of them with horror, not knowing what happened.

The green shirt had already stood firm at this time. Although his head was sweating profusely, but seeing that everyone else looked at him with expectation, he immediately calmed himself and squeezed out a smile that was more ugly than crying. Said: "Don't panic, everyone, we have guns in our hands. Even if there are a few zombies, there is nothing to be afraid of. Besides, this is just an ordinary minor earthquake. How could the zombies make such a big movement?"

"Yes, everyone, don't panic. We have gravel piles and building barriers. Those zombies can't get through at all. Haha, let's continue eating." The glasses man immediately echoed and said with a haha.

The others also nodded their heads, repeatedly saying that the green shirt was in danger and that he was ashamed of himself.

Seeing that he controlled the situation instantly, the green shirt immediately said triumphantly: "Don't worry, zombies can't get in at all."

No one noticed that the vibration had become more and more violent. The green shirt had just finished saying this, only to hear a loud "boom" coming from behind, the gravel pile at the intersection was opened with a big opening. , A large piece of rubble and smoke rose up, and a huge figure rushed in like a predatory monster!

Everyone was stunned by the sudden change, and when the figure rushed out of the smoke and dust, they saw the figure's true face.

This turned out to be a huge zombie with a height of four or five meters!

The limbs and body that look like a tree trunk are covered with gray-white bone scales the size of a basin. There is a long horn on the huge head, and the center of the head is the size of an apple. One-eyed.

Seeing the true nature of this thing, everyone who was still vowing just now was trembling with fright, and some even had urine dripped in their crotch. I don't know who shouted "Run". Immediately, everyone turned to the supermarket. He ran desperately in the direction he was, and now, it seems that only by hiding in that supermarket can his life be saved.

"Oh-" This tall one-eyed zombie didn't pay attention to the little human at his feet, but let out a melodious and stern howl.

Immediately, a shadowy figure appeared in the gap just opened. A group of ordinary zombies mixed with some mutant zombies filed in, making hungry howls, following the smell of human beings, chasing into the depths of the street!

At this time, those humans had just ran out for tens of meters, far from the supermarket!

The woman with heavy makeup was the first to suffer. To please the green shirt and hook up with other people, she put on high heels. She just ran out a few steps, and only heard a "click", the heel suddenly snapped. The makeup woman also fell to the ground.

"Brother Sun!" The woman with heavy makeup sprained her ankle and couldn't stand up for a while. She immediately called for help in the green shirt, but the green shirt had already ran ahead of everyone at this time.

"Husband!" The woman with heavy makeup was so frightened that she thought of her trash husband and shouted at a man in a gray shirt.

The man had run for more than 20 meters. He heard the woman with heavy makeup calling for help. He turned his head and looked at the zombies who had rushed in. His face was cloudy for two or three seconds. He gritted his teeth and ran back.

It's just that he hasn't ran to the woman with heavy makeup, but there is a figure that is faster than him, a shadow similar to a ribbon floats by, and this woman with heavy makeup has been dragged by the skinning zombie at the front!

"Hey..." A sound similar to tearing cloth was heard, followed by a screaming scream. The face of the woman with heavy makeup had been chewed off by the skin-skinned zombies, leaving only a **** face full of muscles!

"Beautiful!" The wimpy husband in her eyes let out an angry roar, and unexpectedly took out a dagger, and rushed towards the skinned zombies without hesitation!

It's just that he just rushed a few steps, and was surrounded by zombies swarming behind, and was instantly submerged like a pebble thrown into a river...


"Kill me, kill me!"

"Oh my God, what is this!"

Almost all of these thirty people were chased by zombies, and the worst were directly surrounded by seven or eight zombies. After a while, they were gnawed into a skeleton!

"Boom, boom, boom!" The sound of gunfire came from a corner of the street. The trembling man with glasses firmly held a pistol in his trembling hands, and fired repeatedly, killing three or four zombies, but this attracted more. Zombies.

"Don't come over, don't come over! Please, don't come over—ah—" The glasses man pulled the trigger like crazy. At this moment, there was a sharp sound of firing needles from the gun, no bullets. Up!

Immediately, the surrounding zombies swarmed up, and directly opened the belly of the man with glasses, rushing to eat the internal organs...

Hurry up, hurry up, you will be here, as long as you escape into the supermarket, these zombies can't get in...The green shirt ran desperately, only feeling that his lungs were about to burn, and the supermarket door was already near. Although he knew from his subconscious mind that sooner or later he would still be attacked by zombies, but now the supermarket gate had become his last straw.

Arrived! He grabbed the handle of the small iron door and was about to pull it open, his face showed the ecstasy of the rest of his life.

Just the moment his hand was about to touch the doorknob, his waist suddenly tightened, and then he felt a huge pulling force coming from behind, instantly dragging him back in the air!

"No, no! I want to live, I want to save the world, I want to play with women—" The green shirt struggled desperately in the air, like a fish that was hooked, but the struggle was so feeble, he Before he finished shouting, a few zombies on the ground jumped up eagerly, biting his limbs, and screamed in horror. At the same time, he used force to tear off pieces of meat on his limbs and chest.


On the top of a building somewhere in the eastern suburbs of the city, Richemont is standing on top of a thick chimney, looking inside the steel city with a telescope. When he just went up, he saw the huge one-eyed zombie appeared in the block where the Black Dragon Club was located, and then he began to watch it with relish. When he saw that the green shirt was torn to pieces by the zombies, and the tide of black corpses flooded the city center, he put away the telescope and jumped down from the roof.

"Brother, how is the situation in the city? What did you see?" Yang Yi, who had been waiting down there, looked at Richemont and asked anxiously.

The corner of Richemont's mouth raised, and he smiled sensibly, and said, "It's nothing, we should go."