Chapter 27: go away

In the eastern outskirts of the steel city, a "Kunlun" earth-moving truck originally used to transport sand and gravel is rushing out of the city. The front of this huge earth-moving truck is also tied to a huge forklift. The steel shovel, like a tank all the way, rampaged through the street full of obstacles.

Wherever they passed, abandoned vehicles were pushed to the side of the road, and those zombies that blocked the road were directly crushed into meat sauce.

Yang Yi sat in the seat of the co-pilot, looking at the zombies falling under the shovel and wheels like harvesting wheat, he couldn't help laughing: "Brother Feng, your idea is so handsome! The earthmoving truck used to be known as Road killer, I didn't expect this title to be worthy of its name."

Richemont smiled and said: "If I hadn't found this earth-moving truck when I was checking the situation of the corpse tide, I would never have thought of using the power of the vehicle. However, although this thing has a strong horsepower, it has one of the biggest drawbacks. The oil is burning too hard. It is estimated that after walking for more than ten kilometers, we will come down and refuel."

"What are you afraid of? The goods stored in our car can last for a few days." Yang Yi waved his hand disapprovingly, and pointed to the four large oil drums in the rear compartment.

In this carriage, in addition to four oil drums, there is a large amount of food and drinking water, and even a brand-new Harley motorcycle. It was Richemont and Yang Yi who swept the small shops and small shops along the road. Only from the supermarket.

It's just that although the two of them are laughing and joking, they are very leisurely. If anyone sees the situation behind their car, they are afraid to pee.

Just ten meters behind this earth-moving truck, hundreds of zombies are running frantically to chase this earth-moving truck!

Among them, there are a lot of skinned zombies that swiftly leaning on the skins between the buildings like Spider-Man, and two Cyclops zombies with a height of four or five meters!

The moving speed of the corpse tide, especially the forward movement speed of the corpse tide, is much faster than Richemont thought. This is also the result of the two people's support. They keep getting off and carrying items along the road, if not for Richemont's alertness. High sexuality. When I saw a skinned zombie in a corner, I felt uncomfortable. I immediately threw down some of the supplies and drove away. Otherwise, the two were already surrounded by groups of corpses.

"Oh-" The one-eyed zombie in the front let out a crazy howl, suddenly grabbed a zombie next to him, and threw it towards the earth-moving cart ahead!

The zombie that was thrown into the air waved his limbs frantically in the air, and was about to fall into the carriage. Richemont glanced at the rearview mirror, picked up a shotgun next to him, and quickly leaned out half of his body. One shot went out!

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the zombies still in mid-air were knocked down and flew out, and a slightly rotten head instantly became a hornet's nest.

After solving the trouble, Richemont blew a whistle and returned to his seat to continue driving.

Yang Yi suddenly took a big mouthful of the cigarette in his hand, and then gave a thumbs up to Richemont, yelling: "Brother Feng, that's so handsome! Damn, we are living in movies now! No, movies I haven't seen anyone so handsome inside!"

Richemont waved his hand and said, "It's alright, you guys are good at flattering, why don't you drive me well and let me rest."

Yang Yi smiled and said, "How can my technology be compared with Feng Ge, so I still don't show my ugliness."

Richemont gave him an angry look and said nothing. In retrospect, what he is most grateful for his college life now is two things. One is military training and the other is driving license.

The former paramilitary training gave him exposure to various guns and learned the use of these light weapons, and learning to drive with a driver's license has now become a life-saving technique.

"By the way, Brother Feng, in fact, I always have a question I want to ask you..." Yang Yi touched a submachine gun casually, and said with the probe going out and shooting the zombies too close behind.

"What question?"

"I have always felt that you seem to be particularly adapted to this end of the world, and there is no discomfort at all... If it were not for your infection, I guess I might be crazy in a few days, but after seeing you, I will I feel that this is nothing at all. Isn't it the end of the world? If there are zombies, kill them..." Yang Yi turned around and smiled at Richemont, his smile full of relief and gratitude.

Richemont took a deep breath, his eyes gradually blurred, and he slowly said, "Maybe it's because I am more perverted...This question, in fact, I also have...Haha, it doesn't matter if you live, it's serious. ."

"Well, I still have a question. Why don't you smoke, Brother Feng? Tsk tsk, you don't know the taste of this cigarette. After trying it once, you will be ecstatic and forget all your worries..." Yang Yi said with a cigarette in his mouth and looked drunk, and at the same time he took out a grenade, opened the insurance and threw it back, instantly blasting the zombies upside down, and throwing the zombies away more than ten meters.

Richemont turned his head and glanced at Yang Yi as he drove. This kid is good for everything else, but he is addicted to cigarettes. When he goes to school, he gets at least one pack of cigarettes a day. For this, Mu Qi did not persuade him less, but it didn't work at all. A few days ago, there was nothing when Richemont rescued Yang Yi. It had been stable for two days, and immediately fell ill after seeing the cigarette.

However, in these last days, it may be a good thing to be able to have a little entertainment...

Richemont thought for a while and said: "I don't smoke because smoking is harmful to health. If I smoke too much, I will die of lung cancer."

As soon as this sentence was finished, he and Yang Yi looked at each other, as if they had just said the funniest joke in the world, and they all laughed.

"Hahahahaha, Brother Feng, you are so funny, hahahaha, I hope I can die of lung cancer, hahahaha, but it is estimated that someday will be gnawed by zombies. You said that if the zombies eat my meat, Will you be choked and cough? Hahahahaha..." Yang Yi leaned forward and closed with a smile, tears streaming out.

Richemont also smiled so that his mouth cramped, but he felt that Yang Yi's tears did not seem to be all tears of joy...

After talking about this sentence, both of them seemed to have lost the topic, and both fell into silence. Richemont drove silently, while Yang Yi was responsible for sniping the chasing soldiers at any time. After a short while, only a loud noise came, and the body shook suddenly. This huge earth-moving truck had already smashed into an abandoned bus in front.

Just as the abandoned bus was smashed away, Richemont and Yang Yi's eyes lit up at the same time, a large swath of green appeared in their vision. They were used to seeing the gray and red of the reinforced concrete in the ruins of the city, and suddenly changed to green. From the field of vision, both body and mind were refreshing, as if they had just taken a bath.

On and on both sides of the road, one can see a broken headless body from time to time, as well as occasional vehicle wreckage, as well as various discarded items.

Obviously, these corpses and objects were left behind when the army and people in the city evacuated.

The road in the steel city is not accessible. There are basically no roadblocks on the road in the wilderness. The gray road extends from the steel city and winds to the horizon, where it is another city.

Finally left the steel city completely and came to the wilderness!

Richemont immediately felt refreshed, and slammed the accelerator to the end. Hearing that the earth-moving car was like a behemoth that suddenly awakened, the engine roared and the speed increased several times in a short time. It is like an off-string arrow, shooting towards the wilderness!

Without dense obstacles, the speed can finally be raised to the highest!

The speed increased instantly, and all the zombies who were chasing after him were thrown away immediately. After a while, those zombies who were still desperately chasing became a group of small black spots in the rearview mirror, and they could only be heard for a while. Howls of unwillingness and anger came from the rear...

Finally left this steel forest... Looking at the distant steel city from the rearview mirror, Richemont and Yang Yi couldn't help but have mixed feelings, and didn't know what to say for a while.

It's just the howls from time to time in this city that has completely become the city of the dead, leaving them still lingering.

The power of the corpse tide is really frightening. If the original ruins of the steel city were just a turbulent lake for the two of them who were immune to the T virus, then this tide of corpses is a torrent that can destroy everything!

The number of mutant zombies they saw has reached a heinous level. Who knows, in the tide of millions of zombies, what horror exists...

Richemont took out a notebook in his arms, thought about it, reached out his hand to dig a piece of blood on the door, turned a new page, wrote: "The Devourer, the chest is open, with ribs and inner wall bone spurs as teeth, The swallowing power is extremely strong."

"One-eyed, four to five meters high, the whole body is covered with bones and scales, the defense is extremely strong, the strength is great, the head has a huge one-eyed about five centimeters in diameter, and the roar can guide other zombies to move."

After writing this, Richemont immediately closed the book carefully and hid it next to his body.

"Brother Feng, what are you writing about?" Yang Yi asked with a puzzled look.

"I just think it might be used sooner or later, and writing down these things can reassure me." Richemont said with a smile. The number of times he laughed in this little half day seemed to be more than he had in the previous week. He left the ruins of Steel City at this time, and he was in a good mood. As long as he drove all the way to Zeyang City, he would be able to spend a few days in peace and stability. At the very least, when you sleep, don't worry about mutant zombies coming in suddenly...

After all, human beings are animals that fear loneliness and have long been accustomed to social groups.

"If that'big guy' in Haijing knew that we didn't go to the military base he arranged at all, but took his baby card and ran away, I don't know if he will be angry?" Yang Yi said with a smile, then smiled. As soon as he received it, he said sternly to Richemont: "But Brother Feng, I don't want to go to Zeyang City anymore, I want to leave alone..."