Silver Eyes

"You want to hold our granddaughter while standing up? Even if lin'er lets you, I won't! I still remember how you almost dropped wei'er out of excitement the first time you held him. Luckily the maids were fast and caught him before he fell other my son would have become dumb because of you." The Duchess quickly interrupted.

"If you want to hold the child then sit down properly first and then hold the baby." The Duchess ordered the two maids standing nearby to bring an armchair for the Duke to sit down in.

"Alright, alright. That was only one time. Laopo don't worry I definitely won't drop my granddaughter." The Duke assured but still obediently sat down on the chair.

Lian Meilin was amused at seeing the interactions between her Mother and Father in law.

Her daughter had been sleeping almost throughout the whole night and only woke up twice out of hunger. She was still sleeping so Lian Meilin carried the baby lightly so as not to wake her up.

The five boys at the end of the bed were curious and slanted their bodies trying to get a good view of their new baby sister so she brought the child a bit closer to them so they could see and then passed the child to her mother in law.

When the duchess held the newborn she was surprised at how light and small she was. The baby was even smaller than the twins of the second son but she was still so cute with a round white cheek and a small button nose. She was still sleeping so her eyes were closed but still she was sure that they would be pretty too.

After all, whose granddaughter was she. The Duchess thought narcissitically. She was reluctant to pass the child to the old man but still looking at her husband's excitement she stood up and walked towards the chair and slowly passed the baby to him. Warning him while doing so to be careful and not make sudden movements or drop the child.

"I won't! I won't!" The Duke assured.

Duke Feng Han was probably the happiest out of the entire family. Now that he was able to actually hold the child he could finally go brag to those old fools that he also had a granddaughter and she was really pretty too.

Probably because he was too excited and nervous that his hands were shaking and he accidentally woke up the child.

Looking down at his granddaughter, he was worried that she would start crying but instead the child opened her Phoenix eyes and stared into his own calmly. When he saw her eyes he was surprised to say the least and froze for a second before he snapped out of the trance, "Hurry! Quickly call the physician! Hurry Up!" The Duke yelled at the maids standing to the side.

Everyone was surprised at his yell and the maids froze before quickly obeying the order.

"What's Wrong Father?" LIan Meilin asked.



Everyone questioned worried if something happened.

"Nothing, just wait till the physician is here." The Duke spoke trying to keep calm so that he didn't frighten anyone but he was still fearful if his poor granddaughter really did just become the victim of his family curse.

Before anyone could ask again the physician arrived inside. Luckily they had kept the physician in the Feng family since they were worried about the health of Lian Meilin and her baby.

The Duke quickly rushed up to the physician, "Doctor, quickly take a look at my granddaughter's eyes." He said while trying to not scare the child.

The Doctor took the baby from the Duke while frowning in worry if something had gone wrong. He took the child to the wooden crib placed in the small children's room beside the main room to check the baby as he felt all the Feng family members' eyes on him.

"Father, What's wrong with my baby's eyes?" Trepidation filled Lian Meilin and she grabbed her husband's arm in anxiety.

Feng Wei held his wife's hand trying to calm her before also questioning his father.

"Father, just what happened?"

The Duke could feel all the questioning eyes pointed at him.

"The baby, her… her eyes, they're silver."

He had no choice but to answer while avoiding their eyes for he feared he couldn't bear their sadness.

"What? She has silver eyes?!!" Feng Wei yelled before following his father's meaning and realizing what his daughter's silver eyes might mean. "Is…is she blind?" He questioned his father hesitantly.

Everyone looked dumbfounded at that moment. She had only been born yesterday so nobody had really paid attention to the color of her eyes but now his father actually told them his newborn daughter may be blind.

Lian Meilin, hearing her husband's words, felt tears fall from her eyes.

"We don' t know yet. I've called the doctor already, let's wait for him to finish checking first." The Duke spoke solemnly.

As they waited for the doctor to finish checking the child although only half an incense stick's time had passed, the wait felt a lot longer especially on the baby's parents Feng Wei and Lian Meilin.

When the doctor finally exited the room everyone stared at him expectantly waiting for an answer.

"Doctor, how is it? Is my daughter okay?" Feng Wei rushed to ask. Although he wanted to ask if his daughter was really blind, he couldn't bring himself to speak the words.

Everyone else also looked at the doctor waiting for an answer.

"Everyone calm down please. I've already checked the baby and her eyes are absolutely fine." The physician spoke. His words brought great relief and happiness to everyone and Lian Meilin hugged her sister in law in relief and tears.

"Then physician, why are my daughter's eyes silver?" Feng Wei asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"This is actually a side effect. I'm not sure if you remember but when the young Furen had been pregnant, to improve her health and save the fetus we had asked the general to find the crystal snow lotus to use as medicine. This is a rare medicine and although it doesn't really affect the user itself it has rarely ever been used on a pregnant woman but from my master i had found out that a long time ago he had witnessed a similar case and although the mother had been fine. The child born from her similar to your daughter was also born with silver eyes and silver hair as a side effect.

It seems that the same thing has happened to Furen and your daughter.