No cure

Although there is no physical pain involved the eye color is permanent and nothing can be done about it. As for whether her hair will be silver or not, we can only wait for it to grow to be sure." The Physician explained.

The Physician's words surprised everyone. "She'll have to live with this all her life?!" Lian Meilin asked heartbroken.

"Unfortunately, yes." The Physician sighed.

"For a still developing fetus in the womb, the crystal snow lotus integrates itself with the fetus's natural core and physical alterations of certain features occur. Trying to cure this is a useless venture and on the contrary can be dangerous as the lotus is already a part of the child. Trying to take it out to cure her would be like snatching her lifeforce out and it could kill her especially since her body is extremely weak right now. On the contrary the crystal snow totus has many healing and cooling properties which are helping to strengthen the child's body and immunity and that is the main reason why she is alive today." The Physician explained trying to dissuade them from trying to cure her.

There was a point that the Physician was hesitant about speaking out but still decided to do so.

"Actually before I had mentioned that there had been another similar case. At that time my teacher had witnessed the child being born with such features as a side effect to the crystal snow lotus. The parents of the child were distraught and adamant at fixing the child's features, my teacher had refused and tried to dissuade them from doing so as the crystal snow lotus was a part of the child's very core and trying to remove it could kill the child in the process. At first the parents listened to my teacher but as the child grew they wouldn't bring the child out in fear of being condemned and out of fear that the child would have no future they started looking for a cure and found many doctors to treat the boy." The Physician said.

"Then what happened, was the boy cured?" Feng Wei asked with hope. If that boy could be cured then so could his daughter.

The Physician shook his head and denied. "At first the treatment was working …. but once the boy's eye color and hair turned black, within five days The boy's heart began failing and he fell extremely ill. No one could help the boy and that's when the couple came looking for my teacher again. My teacher along with the other physicians did try to prolong the child's life but by the tenth day the child was already dead at only 6 years old and even my teacher couldn't do anything about it." The Physician sighed in pity.

Listening to the Physicians words any hope which the family had were immediately dashed. They were visibly upset and fearful because for a moment they had also considered curing their family's baby but now after listening to what happened to that boy. They would rather she live a full lifetime being odd looking than trying to cure her only for her to die.

"It's fine. Even if she has to live with it forever as long as she is healthy and alive it doesn't matter. My Feng can handle any problem that comes!" The Duke, Feng Han exclaimed.

"You're right, laoye. There's nothing to be worried about lin'er, let me see who dares to bully our granddaughter. I'll be sure to set them straight if they dare." said the Duchess, looking at her daughter in law while reaching out towards the maid to carry her infant granddaughter.

"My dear, don't worry no one can hurt our daughter, I'll make sure of it! Our boy's will protect their little sister too. Right boys?" Feng Wei asked, looking at his two sons and three nephews.

"We'll protect our sister!"

"Of course we can!"

"I can protect her!"

"I can protect her!"

" I can protect her better than you can!

"No you can't!"

"I can too!"

Five voices yelled together, promising to protect their new sister and it was a heartwarming scene until the twins started arguing about who could protect their baby sister better. Then it became a full on battle between all five brothers about who was going to protect their baby sister.

The adults looking on at the scene were both amused and exasperated. With having five boys in the house there was almost never a quiet moment in the house and it should be mentioned they were all extremely active and rowdy when left to their own devices.

"Alright boys, quiet down! You can all just protect your sister together, isn't that fine then."

"We can?" asked the youngest of boys, Feng Shihong.

"Of course you can." answered his mother, Fu Yawen.

"Alright, mother." Feng Shihong mumbled in agreement, although he still wanted to argue he was scared that his mother would get mad and when his mother got mad she was really scary.

All the other boys also quieted down. It should be known that although the married ladies of the Feng family all looked gentle and noble, having been married into the military Feng family though they had all taken to the environment there and abided by the teachings of using a rod to educate the sons. So all the boys in the family had been raised very strictly.