Chapter 10: Settling In


Seamus stood, dusting himself off, and mumbling under his breath. How had Ali done that? So he wasn't the best swordsman this side of the dividing mountains but he could handle himself if he had to. Ali had moved so fast he had been off his feet before he even knew he was going to be hit. He finished stowing his basket and left the shed nearly stumbling into a large black horse that was standing by the door. 'Not my day,' he muttered.

Amelia emerged from behind the barn. 'Oh good, you've found Molly. Can you take her to the stable and give her some fresh hay and a feed of grain?'

'You have a horse?' Seamus asked, quizzically. 'Why did you not ride her to market?'

'I just had a feeling that this time she would not be needed. Now off you go. I have to go and get started on the meal.' Amelia headed towards the house where she seemed intent on rounding up Ali, who was practising his sword work in the clear area in front of the house. Seamus paused long enough to see that Ali was putting away the sword in preparation for some task Amelia had given him.

Having stabled Molly, Seamus headed to the well. He drew a bucket of water and washed his face and hands as best he could before entering the cottage. The door opened into a single kitchen and living area. It was dominated by a large wooden table. On the left he could see two doors leading to other rooms, and some stairs that led to a loft room above. At the table Amelia took some bread dough out of a bowl and began kneading it. Ali followed him in with an armful of wood, which he deposited in the basket beside the open fire. He used one of the smaller logs to stir the banked fire before placing it, and a couple of others, on the now bright embers.

'Thank you, Ali, that will be perfect. The bread dough is nearly ready. Would you mind getting some vegetables from the baskets you put in the barn? We will need them for the stew. And you, Seamus, could get me the dried deer meat from the store room, over there on the left.' Amelia pointed vaguely then carried on, absorbed in her task.

Ali brushed passed Seamus without saying a word, and Seamus headed for the storeroom. He was surprised the room was nearly as large as the cook's pantry in his father's house, and nearly as well stocked. Whoever this woman was, she was not a peasant farmer. He found the dried deer meet hanging from a hook, and shut the door behind him before taking it over to the table. A few minutes later Ali came in with a basket of vegetables and took them over to a large bowl on the bench under the window. He poured water out of a jug and began cleaning off the dirt.

"He may have the sword of a noble, but he cleans vegetables like a peasant boy." Seamus slumped down on the bench seat by the table.

'You are not finished yet, young man,' Amelia scolded. 'There are no free rides in this house. You can get yourself up those stairs. In the trunk under the window there should be bedding enough for you to make up two of the beds. Well, off you go then.'

Amelia did not notice Ali's look of dismay as she mentioned them sharing a room. "Well, if she is going to hold a grudge, two can play at that game!" Seamus stomped up the stairs.


Aliah's heart almost stopped when Amelia asked Seamus to make up two beds in the same room. How could she hide the fact she was a girl when they were sleeping in close quarters? Her hair alone would give it away. Even now she still had her cap on and collar up so no one could see her plait. No to mention… how could she take her clothes off in front of him?

'It seems to me you have two choices, young Ali.' Amelia's voice startled her. 'We can go into my room and cut your hair short before Seamus comes down, and he will be none the wiser as to who you really are. Or you can come clean and let him know you're a girl. I suspect it won't make much difference to him, either way, so you must do what you feel comfortable with, but you need to decided soon.'

Amelia's words took her by surprise, causing her to lose concentration. As the sharp knife slipped over the surface of the carrot she was pealing, almost slicing her finger, she focussed her attention back on the task before and took a deep breath, unsure of what to do next.

'How…? How did you know?' The words came out almost of their own accord.

'Anyone with eyes can see your shirt is much too bulky for your size. And, either you have a physical deformity, or that is long hair you have tucked down your back.'

'Oh.' Aliah was crestfallen. It seemed passing as a boy would be harder than she had first thought, and it would be much more difficult traveling if people knew she was female. People would think it was odd a girl being away from home without a family member escorting her. No parent would let their girl child wander the land unattended, no matter how poor they were.

'It doesn't matter to me whether you appear as a boy or girl, but if you wish to keep your hair you might as well be yourself, at least while you're staying here. We can devise something better to manage hiding who you are while you travel over the next few days.' Aliah looked up saw Amelia was smiling encouragingly at her.

Somewhat relieved, Aliah took off her cap and jacket, and pulled her long blonde braid out from inside the shirt. It was somewhat of a relief not to have it tucked in there scratching her back.

'Now we have that sorted, can you please finish cutting the vegetables and meat, then put them into that pot so they can be cooked in time for supper.'