Chapter 11: Time to Plan


Seamus was not the best at bed making; he was used to having servants do it for him. As his circumstances were somewhat altered he really should give this bed-making a good go, especially as this may not be the last time he had to do it. He doubted trainee wizards had servants.

He found sheets and blankets in the chest under the window as Amelia had said. There were three beds in the room, arranged against the walls. He made up the one closest to the chimney and put his jacket on it. At least he would be warm tonight. He then made up the bed furthest away by the opening of the stairs for Ali. If he wanted to be standoffish, Seamus would certainly help him. Job done, he climbed back down stairs.

Amelia was putting two bread tins in an alcove by the fire, and at the table Ali was chopping meat and putting it in a pot. Ali reached to take some vegetables off the workbench and Seamus' eyes widened in astonishment. Ali had a long plait of hair down his back.