Chapter 12: Revelations


For the next two days Amelia worked her two young guests from dawn til dusk, and beyond. Realising Seamus was more proficient with the bow than a sword, Amelia sent him into the woods to hunt small animals. Aliah and Amelia then prepared the animals to dry in the smokehouse at the back of the barn. By the end of the second day the smokehouse was full of meat.

The following day Amelia started them on picking the last of the fruit from her trees and the last of the berries from the bushes in the woods. They also pulled the last of the herbs and vegetables from her garden. These were laid out on drying racks in the barn ready to pack. Day four was left for going through Amelia's own winter stores to see what she could spare for their journey. They packaged up flour, grains and pulses, and two thick yellow cheeses to add to their travel packs.