Chapter 15: An Inauspicious Start


'That was just plain risky.' He muttered to himself as he followed Aliah through the woods. 'We so might have been seen.'

'You know I can hear you?' she whispered, turning to glare at him. 'At least we are on our way, not still waiting for you to have an idea.' She flicked her plait behind her and carried on walking.

What annoyed him most was she was right. He'd had no idea how to get past the horses.

They walked in silence until they could no longer hear the horses snuffling behind them. The path they took was not an easy one. There was a lot of undergrowth grabbing at their ankles, and a couple of times they lost the track and had to double back, least they get even more lost.

'Phew!' Seamus said as he checked they could still see the track from where they were. 'This is not a great way to start.' That was as close as he was going to get to thanking her for getting them away.