Chapter 14: A Hasty Departure


Seamus' body was still in sleep mode when Amelia woke them. In fact, it was sure it had just laid down. Sleepily pulling himself out of bed he left Aliah to get dressed into her traveling clothes while he dressed before the fire downstairs. The tunic and hose he wore were of good quality, but the brown and cream woollen fabric was a bit more rustic than he was used to. Amelia had said his father stayed at the cottage sometimes and these were the clothes he wore when he was there. He pulled on his own boots and went out to the woodpile to get a days supply of wood in.

Amelia had started to prepare the porridge for breakfast when he brought the wood in. She was half-listening to Aliah with a decidedly unsympathetic ear. Instead of the tunic and hose Aliah had laid out last night, she was wearing a dress and tunic in similar fabrics and colours to his own. She had a cloak thrown over her shoulders, and bare feet.