Chapter 23: Another Revelation


Seamus had a quick breakfast, checked Aliah was asleep, then headed to work. The day dragged on as if it would never end, and to make it worse, his mind was not on the job. When he let the fire go too low for the third time that day, Smith Brown told him to go as he was not much help anyway. Promising to do better tomorrow, Seamus ran like the wind back to the healer's house.

He rushed through the door expecting to see Aliah still in bed, but the house was empty. Nothing looked disturbed. Although he was worried, he decided not to panic. He stoked the fire and put the stew pot over the flames readying it for dinner before going outside to wash up. As he was changing into clean clothes, the cottage door opened. Aliah came in, fully dressed, leaning on Healer Goodwin, who was taking the strain well given she was a head shorter than her charge. Although she looked pale and drawn, Aliah seemed better than she had in many days.