Chapter 24: A New Plan


The following morning, Aliah waited for the sound of the door closing, signalling Seamus was heading off to work. Through half-opened eyes she could see the outline of Healer Goodwyn asleep in her bed through the open door to her room. Without the need to arise, she took the opportunity to snuggle beneath the covers and think through everything she and Seamus had discussed last night.

Seamus had seemed so certain of what they should do, but that was so like him. Aliah was not so sure they had the luxury of time, and she was going to do something about that. It had already been more than two six-days since she had escaped captivity. More than enough time for her captors to return to Carsten to recruit a small army. Soldiers could be leaving any day now and her father needed as much time as possible to prepare to meet them. Gathering a large army took time. This much she had learned from attending her father's council.