Chapter 25: Going It Alone


As a point of pride Seamus made sure he kept his mind on what he was doing all day, even though his thoughts wanted to race away and plan the next part of their journey. Smith Brown was pleased with his work and let him leave early as he needed to sort through what things he wanted to send with the caravan going to Duncameron.

Seamus rushed home, but stopped himself bursting through the door at speed because he did not want to scare Aliah with the noise - but it was he who received the surprise. He opened the door to find Aliah's bed empty and Healer Goodwin sitting in one of the chairs beside the fire looking decidedly angry.

'What's happened?' The question exploded out of Seamus' mouth before he could stop it. 'Where is Ali?'

'I have to say, Sean, I have enjoyed having you in my house, but I cannot say the same of your sister. I have never in my life met such a deceitful girl.' Healer Goodwin rose to her full height, which was not very high at all.