Chapter 34: A Night At An Inn


The storeroom was dark and dank and there was nowhere to sit, which suited Aliah as she had sat down for almost the entire day. She walked around the room to loosen her muscles. Four paces across wise, six paces lengthwise. Not really enough room to walk around so she began to do some of the limbering exercises she did before weapons practice. Her body felt stiff and weak. That was what you got from illness and inactivity. She assessed it would be some time before she was up to full strength again. But at least now, she was ready to make a run for it if the opportunity arose.

She laughed to herself. What great progress she had made on her own since leaving Sunnydale. Trapped in a storeroom by strangers. She was a stow-away who could have charges brought against her. And she was only marginally closer to home. Suddenly her decision to take off on her own terms did not seem such a good one. Maybe she had been a little hasty?