Chapter 43: Surveillance


They arrived at the tavern and Walter held the door open for them. As the salty smell of bacon cooking hit her, Aliah's stomach grumbled loudly, reminding her of just how hungry she was. The room was packed and there did not seem to be room for them to sit. Finally, a man made some room for them at a table by the bar. Seamus and Aliah sat while Walter went up to the counter to order them some weak ale and breakfast. Food ordered, he sat down by the man who had made space for them.

'Here for the market?' the man asked, conversationally.

'Helping out my brother,' Walter said. 'He does not need us until packing up time so we are having a look around. My children's first time in Bannock.' Walter looked at them and then took a swig of ale as he waited for their food to arrive.