Chapter 44: Into The Castle


Seamus did not move. His knife was held at the man's throat. The man shook his head and managed to wiggle his foot and lift it to shut the gate. He stared at Seamus, who glared back at him. A few moments later there were running feet in the alleyway and the man visibly relaxed.

'That was lucky finding you here.' His dark blue eyes twinkled as he smiled at Seamus and Aliah.

Seamus glowered back as Aliah picked herself up off the ground, brushing herself off and checking for wounds. She noticed a bundle on the ground and looked at the man Seamus held. They had helped a common thief. She shook her head in disgust.

'Let him go, Seamus. No doubt the people he stole this from will find him soon enough. If they don't, the city guard will.'

'You think I stole that.' The man burst out laughing. Not really the response Aliah was expecting. Even Seamus looked perplexed.

'You do not recognise me? My disguises must be getting better.' The man was almost doubled over in laughter.