Chapter 47: Prophecy


'I have done my bit, I just want to be away from here.' Seamus paced around the study once the door was closed.

'Be fair, Seamus.' Aliah leaned against her father's desk. 'We have done our job but we may still be needed to help Aria survive this war. We may still have important information they need. We may even have a role to play. We should wait and hear what comes out of this meeting. Walter and Dominic know way more than they told us, and it is only right my father hears their council. This could be their only chance to get their point across without my father's advisors being present.'

'I know all that, but I do not know what I can contribute now. All I want is for Walter to keep his end of the bargain and send me on to someone who can help me manage my magic.' Seamus slumped in a chair in front of the desk.