Chapter 50: Forging A New Friendship


'I didn't mean to cut his visit short,' Seamus said, as he stood uncomfortably by the door, still not really comfortable being in Aliah's company after her betrayal.

Aliah looked up from her place on the floor beside the trunk. Clothes were strewn throughout the room, every surface covered in something.

'Daniel has work to do, but it was nice to spend a little time with him. It was hard being at home like that and not getting to see all of my family. Daniel and I grew up together so he's like a big brother. We used to practice sword work until he joined the guards and it embarrassed him if I beat him.' Aliah's face softened fondly at the memory.

'I'm sorry, it must have been hard for you yesterday. To finally arrive home and then to leave so quickly, not seeing your sister or even really getting to say good-bye to your father.'