Chapter 56: An Old Friend And A Family Reunion


Seamus' own anger died as he also saw the hurt in his friend's eyes. 'I am sorry, Liam. I really am. It all happened so quickly. I did not plan it. I was scared and did not think everything through clearly.'

'I know why you left,' Liam spat out. 'The fact you did not trust me enough to tell me about it is what hurt the most. You could have talked with me about it any time before you left, but you chose not to. I have no problem with magic. You know that.'

'Was I supposed to guess?' Seamus asked. 'We never talk about magic at all on Hand because it is forbidden. On top of that, if my father knew about me, he would have had to act. And you are sworn to serve my father. How could I have put you in a position to lie to him? Or, even worse, to not lie to him?

'And no one told me about Amelia. No one told me my father was allowing contact with his sister, even though she uses magic. So how was I to know things were changing here? I really believed I was alone in this.'