Chapter 70: The Chase


As they entered the shade of the woodland, Emer asked, 'I know we're all tired, but we have no time to stop for refreshments as I have just seen the first of our pursuers come over the top of the cliff. We must hurry.' She led them off on a fast walk through the woods, on what could not even be described as an animal trail.

Dominic told them all to use some of their travel rations to keep their energy up as they walked, and he passed some to their guide. They kept up a brisk pace until well into the afternoon. A couple of times Emer had them pause, and she asked Walter to use magic to sense if there were pursuers close by. Both times he confirmed they were definitely near, but he could not tell exactly where. When they camped for the night, Emer instructed only cold food and no fire. Tired, cold, and hungry, they huddled together for warmth.