Chapter 72: Prophecy


'I think that is all of us,' Seamus said to Caraig, who dropped his head in acknowledgement.

'Then I shall begin. Please enjoy your caffe while I speak. It has great ability to keep a person awake.' Caraig spoke their language in the same sing-song tones as Emer, and Aliah found it quite pleasant to sit back and listen to the elderly man.

'By now you know we believe that The Heir of Hand is the wizard of a great prophecy, and that the Heir of Aria is the warrior. How did we arrive at that conclusion? Where do I start?' He paused, and it was hard to tell whether it was to think or for dramatic effect. 'All seers are able to see the future. Sometimes it is minor things such as a queen will have a daughter. These minor prophecies occur frequently, and are quite specific. Many people have the gift of this type of seeing.