Chapter 81: Disaster


Outside the cave, he found Caraig waiting. He had been joined by Dominic, Daniel, and Emer. To say they looked worried would have been an understatement.

'Ah, Seamus.' Caraig smiled. 'Congratulations on the success of your quest.'

Seamus looked at Dominic, who refused to meet his eyes. Daniel on the other hand, stepped forward and took him by the shoulders.

'Did you see Aliah in there?' he asked impatiently.

'Aliah?' Seamus was bemused. 'No. I thought you knew, our trials were to be separate.' Suddenly his mind focused. 'Daniel, what is happening here?'

Caraig stepped forward. 'Aliah began her quest at the fifth candle-mark this morning. We are now heading towards the sixth candle-mark in the afternoon.'

Looking at the worried faces, Seamus finally realised what had caused them 'Did she only have twelve candle-marks to complete her quest as well?'

Caraig nodded.