Chapter 83: A Right Bun Fight


A candle-mark later Aliah entered the Council Chamber on Dominic's arm. The warm soak and food helped, but she had pushed her body to the limit. There was no doubt she would have been better off staying in bed. When the ruckus from the Council Chamber reached her ears, she wished she had done just that.

It was more like a bun fight in a bakery than a council meeting. The table had somehow been removed, and the room was packed full of people, some of whom Aliah had never seen before. Not much planning could be done when everyone was talking at once. She spotted Seamus sitting in the corner to the left, arms resting on his legs and looking at an odd shaped piece of wood. "Not wood, a wand." She and Dominic sidled over to him and took two other chairs leaning against the wall.

'We did it,' she whispered to Seamus, a grin plastered all over her face. He smiled wearily.