Chapter 90: Escape


Seamus crashed through the forest, following the path Emer's wolf form set for him. Branches whipped around his face and roots grabbed for his ankles. Just when he thought he could go no further, Emer told him to hide - their pursuers were close.

Looking around, Seamus spied a fallen tree and managed to wriggle under it, pulling some forest debris in front of his face just as the thud of horses' hooves came up behind him. He glimpsed Emer moving to eagle form as he squeezed back as far as possible into his hiding place.

'I am sure I saw him through here.' The voice was not far away.

'Well, you can get off your horse and go and look,' another voice ordered.

Saddle leather creaked, followed by the crackling of someone walking through the dead leaves littering the forest floor. The tree above Seamus shifted as it took the weight of a man, and he held his breath.

'What do you see?' The question came from behind.