Chapter 91: Getting to Know You


Seamus' plan had worked better than Aliah expected. Used to being the one taking the lead, it had been strangely liberating concentrating on responding to orders, rather than giving them. Still, she had been surprised at how sound Seamus' decisions had been. "His foresight must give him great advantage," she marvelled as she ran.

As she tired and started to think of her next move, she took control of the chase. The horses were not as mobile through the woods as a person. With her sword still in hand, she was also extremely sensitive to her surroundings.

Dominic was running behind her, using branches, stones, and knives to dissuade any pursuers who came too close. Eventually she found a dry riverbed and began following it towards the coast, stopping every now and then to hide as a pursuer came too close. Late into the afternoon, the woods began to quieten down and she could no longer hear anyone following her.