Chapter 92: The Battle Finds Them


They walked long a while longer, and this time the silence was companionable. Then, out of nowhere, Dominic spoke.

'You know you came to my home when you were a lot younger,' Dominic told her as they walked.

'I did? Why?' Aliah was intrigued.

'Your father needed to sort out something between my father and a vassal.'

Aliah sorted back through her memories and came across one of a dark eyed boy a bit older then her who had left his home and travelled with them back to Bannock. Surely that boy could not have been Dominic - his eyes were blue. She searched her memories further, but there was no one else it could have been.

'Did you leave home with us?' she asked.

'Yes,' Dominic answered in surprise. 'I can't believe you remembered that. It was an important day in my life, it was the day your father took me into his service, I did not think it would be something another child would remember.'