Chapter 93: A Battle Plan


Emer shimmered and changed back into human form. Aliah briefly wondered what happened to her clothes when she turned into a wolf or eagle, before following the two new arrivals to the top of the hill.

'Oh no.' Seamus' face dropped. 'They have nearly landed their first boat, and after that…'

'Is there anything you are able to do?' this time Dominic directed his question to Seamus.

Seamus quietly followed the scene below. 'Would you say the battle is being directed from that large ship at the back?' he eventually asked.

They all watched the battle unfold for a moment longer. 'It is hard to tell,' Dominic said. 'We would need to be closer to find out for sure.'

'I can help out with that,' Emer answered.

'No.' Seamus' tone was emphatic. 'It is too dangerous.'

'How can you help?' Aliah asked.