Chapter 97: The Question of Battle Magic


"Battle Magic. They think we used Battle Magic."

Aliah's stomach clenched, and she almost threw up on the spot. Her eyes searched for Seamus', who shook his head.

She wanted to blurt out they hadn't used such an abhorrent form of magic. She calmed her thoughts and realised it was best to find out what the wizard had to say before they apprised Terion of what really happened. Taking a deep breath, she turned to hear what Pieter had to say.

'As I have already told you, Your Highness, there was some strange magic in play. All wizards on your staff felt what can only be described as a draining of magic. Once before a spurt of water flew up, and once before our far-seer saw the King of Carsten collapse on the deck of his ship. As we sensed no loss of life, we believe the magic caused the king to fall, almost as if he had received a strong punch.