Chapter 99: An Agreement is Reached


Seamus looked at Aliah. For once he was not chewing his lip in thought, he was resolved as he reached for his wand. She reached for her sword to put back in its sheath, and as she did so, she heard his words. "I know you want to argue this through until the bitter end, but this may be the only way we get out of here to do what needs to be done."

Pausing, she considered her options. Seeing this was for the best, she nodded and turned to her father. 'Yes, father, we agree.'

As if he had been holding out just for this, Aliah had no sooner agreed to her father's terms than Seamus collapsed, slipping from his chair to thump on the floor. Aliah was rooted to the spot with shock. Emer pushed her out of the way, and she and Duke Damon helped the boy to his feet.

'He has been drained by today, he needs rest before we decide our next steps,' Emer declared.