Chapter 100: The Beginning of The End


The King breezed past Seamus as the boy shook his head, attempting to clear it. Where were they going? What had happened while he was asleep.

‘Good, you’re all here. There is a small fishing boat waiting for you at the harbour. They will sneak you across and leave you at the docks. You will have to find your own way up to the town and to safety.

'Just so we are clear, because I understand there was some confusion on your recent mission, Daniel, you are in command. I know Aliah outranks you, a fact she may remind you of to make sure she gets her way, however I need her to concentrate on whatever she has to do, not to be worrying about everything else. Is that clear?'

Daniel stepped forward. 'Yes, Your Highness. And I have letters from the duke to his commander outlining my responsibilities.'

Aliah's face clouded over, and Seamus held his breath waiting for the explosion. When it came, it was small compared to some he had witnessed.