Chapter 101: Lessons Learned


Back in his room, Seamus knew he should prepare for wherever they were going, but instead, he sunk down on his bed and once again tried to reach for his powers. Still nothing. With a worried knot in his stomach, he lay back and closed his eyes. "Why are you punishing me? What did I do wrong?"

Seamus found himself back in the cave with the seven gods, who were seated on chairs as if sitting in judgement.

'You have had some training, and you have used your powers to help achieve your calling. But you have also used your power without thought. We are concerned about those times.'

Seamus thought hard. When had he used his power without thought, or without good reason? Thinking back over the last few days there was nothing, until he came to the farewell outside the Sanctuary.

'I gagged Eon with air because his whining, annoyed me,' Seamus responded.

'That is indeed one of the times. Magic used for your benefit alone is not magic used wisely.'