Chapter 103: An Inauspicious Start


Treading water to stay afloat, Seamus turned around and around, trying to find Aliah. She could not swim and must be terrified. The fishing boat was on its side, the captain using all his skill to try and right it. Aliah must be in the water.

Swimming around the boat he found her, struggling for breath as Dominic tried to keep her head above the water line. He shouted something and Seamus assumed he was telling Aliah to stop struggling.

"When this is over, that girl really needs to learn how to swim," he thought as he turned to check on the others.

Liam and Daniel were also on the opposite side of the boat, gathering belongings from the water. Where was Emer? His stomach lurched again as he frantically scoured the water for her. At a noise from above he raised his eyes, catching sight of an eagle overhead.