Chapter 104: Another Failure


'NOOOOOO.' The god's anger reverberated through Gaius' body as he cowered in the safe place he had made for himself in the corner of the invader's mind. 'They escaped again. This vessel is worse than useless. Perhaps I should find another.'

"Give it back to me if you do not want it," Gaius thought before turning his attention back to the activity outside his self-imposed prison.

'You chose to take a human body so you could act in this world,' Millard explained in patient tones, as if he were explaining a complex idea to a child. 'You took it knowing your powers would be limited to those of the body you occupied.'

The god grunted.

Millard ignored him and continued his lecture. 'Gaius did not have an aptitude for weather magic when he was alive, you cannot expect him to have one now just because you took over his body. Only your guidance, knowledge, and the little boost of magic you are able to give allowed his limited skill to raise enough wind to overturn the boat.'