Chapter 105: Scrolls, Scrolls, and More Scrolls


Seamus dropped another scroll on the table, toppling the pile of discarded documents already there, causing the whole lot to tumble to the ground.

'Goddess!' he muttered as he bent down to pick them up, placing them on the shelf cleared yesterday to store the completed works. 'How many more of these are in the area my father told us about?' He directed his question at Liam, who carried another armful of ancient writings from the lower library.

'I estimate we are about half way through once we read these.' Liam dumped his load on the far end of the table, where they joined another twenty or so unread tomes.

Emer groaned and fell across the table, her head cradled in her arms. 'I cannot go on. It has been two days, and there is not even a hint of anything to tell us how to stop a god from taking over Aria.'