Chapter 111: Secrets Revealed


Everyone turned to Seamus, waiting for him to answer, but he said nothing. It was not only that he was still learning about being the Wizard, nor even that he was not sure he wanted to be the Wizard at all, it was deciding what to tell Boss.

He trusted the man, but learning there could be a spy in their midst made him a little more cautious. Looking at Walter for guidance, the older man shifted his weight in his chair then stood and moved to stand in front of the fire.

'I have known you for a long time, Boss, and I have trusted you with my life. You fought for Aria as a guard for years, and after your service you set up a network to fight against a danger you saw coming but few others believed in.

'Your loyalty is to your network, and that is as it should be. The people here, well, our loyalty is to each other, to see the Wizard and Warriors' task through to the bitter end.