Chapter 118: Some More Pieces of The Puzzle


Seamus finished dressing quickly and slipped out of the suite he shared with Aliah. There was something he wanted to do before he met with everyone else.

Walking briskly to the library, he experienced a confidence he had not felt in days. This he was good at. Searching through scrolls, finding information, putting together a plan. If this was all the Wizard was expected to do then he was fine.

It was not though. At some stage he was expected to battle a god and win. This was the bit he was not so sure about. He still felt sick at the thought of what he had done to turn back the Carsten ships from Port Marden.

His actions caused a whole ship of people to be blown up. Oh, Aliah could talk all she wanted about not being responsible for how people responded to something they did, and part of him believed that. Still, the guilt weighed heavy.