Chapter 119: Who Would Be A Leader?


'Emer, welcome,' Amelia said to the girl. 'There are refreshments on the table should you require some before you report.'

All eyes turned expectantly to Emer as her report on enemy activity would largely dictate their next moves.

Emer smiled, 'Thank you, Amelia, but I see the others cannot wait for me to eat. I shall report first and eat later.'

She walked gracefully to the table as the group began gathering round the map. They all watched intently while Emer described her fly over the enemy position.

'Given they have now been anchored off the coast of Hand for a full six-day, it was surprising how many soldiers are still living onboard ships. Row boats were moving between them and the land, dropping soldiers, then coming back in. From the sky it looked as though they are giving groups shore leave, rather than disembarking the entire army.