Chapter 120: Aliah Steps Up


How could one comment cause so much dissent? All Seamus had suggest was that the team split up. Unable to hear herself think over the raised voices, let alone call everyone to order for a reasoned discussion, Aliah placed her hands over her ears. Dominic touched her arm to get her attention.

'You need to manage this.' He leaned in close to speak, so close his warm breath brushed against her cheek.

She closed her eyes, wishing the scene away. Dominic was right, someone needed to take control and keep everyone focused on the task at hand, and it may as well be her.

'Quiet,' she yelled, and to her surprise, the room fell silent. Seamus even took his head off his arms and reengaged.

'Maybe I picked the wrong people for the wrong jobs, but the idea itself is sound. Let us talk this through rationally, each having our say and listening to the others.'