Chapter 122: A Change of Plan


Darkness pressed in on her as the sweat on her brow began to cool, making her shiver. Sitting up, she took deep breaths, trying to calm her frantically beating heart. While she was no closer to finding out what danger her dream foretold, she now knew what she had to do.

'Amelia?' Walter's voice came from the doorway. 'Are you all right?'

'Did I scream out again?' A frown creased her brow, this was happening far too often. Her decision to leave Sanctuary to support Seamus and Aliah meant she postponed her training as a seer. Perhaps once she returned, she would be better able to control her visions.

'No,' Walter reassured her. 'I was reading by the fire when I heard you muttering.'

'It was another dream,' Amelia told him.

'A foretelling?'