Chapter 131: A Night Time Visitor


"Pardon me, sir, but there is a man at the door asking for Boss Allum. I explained Mr Allum left this morning, but he is insisting on seeing someone.'

Seamus stopped in his tracks, waiting for his brain to catch up with what the guard had said.

'Umm, do we know this man?'

'Hardly, sir. He has an Arian accent, and he looks like he has not seen a bath in weeks. However, he is wearing wizard robes.' The guard's lip curled with distaste.

'Perhaps you can go and ask him what his business is, then I can decide whether or not to see him. I will wait in my father's office.'

It felt odd opening the door to the room his father ran the duchy from and not see his father seated behind the desk. Sighing, he plopped down in the nearest chair, then immediately stood. If he wanted to be taken seriously as the person in charge he could not sit there, but it felt odd to sit in his father's seat.

Wandering round behind the desk, he paused at a knock.
