Chapter 134: A Talk With Aliah


Exhausted, Seamus flopped down on the bed and thought through what the god said to him about people and energy. At first, he cast his mind out around the palace and found little balls of light. From their positions in relation to each other he could work out who each of them belonged to.

Leaving the confines of the building, he was overwhelmed by the sheer number of lights in the half-deserted town of Port Hand, and he retreated back to his room in frustration. When Emer spoke of connecting with her father she made it seem easy, almost as easy as he and Aliah connecting when they were together. He knew if there was a way to filter out the other lights and just concentrate on Aliah, he would be able to recognise her.

Clearing his mind again, he thought only of Aliah and let his consciousness leave his body. As he disconnected, he glimpsed a gossamer thread of light. Wondering if this was the connection to Aliah the god described, he followed it.