Chapter 135: Diplomacy Is Resurrected


Dappled sunshine draped itself across the bed like a quilt. Stretching cat-like, Aliah allowed herself the luxury of a moment more of blissful relaxation before forcing her weary body out from under the covers. She hardly remembered the last time she stayed in bed until she woke naturally, rested and able to face the day. No use complaining though, there was work to be done.

When the maid appeared to open the curtains, she left some warm water for washing, and a pot of tea. Most civilised, Aliah thought, as she washed and dressed herself quickly so she was able to take a moment to sit and enjoy the refreshing beverage.

With almost perfect timing, just as she finished the last of her drink, there was a knock at the door. Daniel entered, looking much better this morning. The dark smudges under his eyes were barely noticeable. Aliah attempted to hide her relief with a cheerful, 'Good morning.'

'Shall I gather the others for the meeting?'