Chapter 136: Small Slip, Big Consequence


Aching muscles in her bottom creaked, forcing a groan from her lips as she hauled herself into the saddle. Unaccustomed to two days hard riding, her body protested at the thought of more of the same. Glancing at Amelia, she found her friend sitting straight backed and relaxed on her mount. Moving her horse closer to the older woman, she touched her gently on the arm to gain her attention.

'You are looking sprightly this morning, Amelia, it would not be a result of some practices forbidden on Hand, would it?' she joked conspiratorially.

Inclining her head towards Aliah, the woman also spoke in hushed tones. 'You mean to say you are not using that sword of yours to give you energy and soothe your aching muscles?'

Bewildered, Aliah stammered. 'I … I never thought to. Would that not be cheating a little? I mean, using the sword for my own benefit seems against the god's intentions when they gave it to me, you know, to save Aria.'