Chapter 137: A Little Bit of Luxury


As they crested the hill Aliah shifted uncomfortably in her saddle, happy to see the end of the day's journey in sight. They had kept a steady pace all day so as to maintain a reasonable distance between themselves and Baron George's men, barely even stopping for lunch. Her body was so weary, she had resorted more than once to drawing some energy using her sword, but refrained from offering a magical boost to anyone else.

Their party was silent as they clattered into the stone courtyard in front of the baronial manor. To their surprise, they found Baron Rasmussen already there, seemingly mustering his men. It reminded Aliah of Robin's quick rundown of the baron, who he had described as efficient.

Duke Damon had recently awarded the vacant property for services to the duchy to a very able and loyal Guard Captain. It had only been a few moon turns since he left his post and brought his wife to this remote spot.