Chapter 138: The Gates Are Closed


After his nocturnal training with the god and conversation with Aliah, Seamus spent sleepless hours pondering how to place the god in the casket and send him back at least to the mid-plane so the other gods could deal with him. He almost had it worked out, except he did not yet know how the name fitted into it all, nor had he had any inspiration as to what Aliah would be doing while he fought the god.

Forcing himself to rise as sunlight crept through a gap in the curtains, he hurried to join the others in the stables preparing for the journey ahead. Once on the road, instead of enjoying his first opportunity to be outside in days, Seamus sunk deep into his own thoughts, determined to work out how to use the last piece of the puzzle. He also still needed to formulate a Plan B for defeating the god, if they failed with the casket and he made it to Aria.