Chapter 142: A Thief In The Night


Close on the wizard's heels, Seamus urged his legs to pump faster. His body was slow to respond, appearing sluggish, almost as if he were running through water or very thick air. Of course, Millard had learnt from their last encounter. To avoid a confrontation, he must have cast a spell to slow Seamus down.

Pausing, Seamus called air to himself and created a defensive shell around his body. He imagined it moving outwards, giving him enough room to take a long stride. Walking forward, he practiced moving the bubble as he walked, then ran. Freed from the wizard's constraints, he now used his youthful speed to return to the cave opening.

As he approached the exit, the ring of metal striking metal filled the night moments before something bounced him back, off his feet and onto his butt. Standing, he checked for injuries and wondered how to bypass Millard's new spell.