Chapter 141: Meeting Baron Wexler


A warm orange glow from the fires below lit the pathway down to the cove. Emer led them to a clump of scrub large enough for them to hide behind while they surveyed the scene below.

'Look,' Liam pointed. 'The fires are arranged in a semi-circle around that particular part of the cliff. That formation is common in military training books. I would say they are guarding something along the wall.'

Nodding his head in agreement, Seamus plotted the shortest way through the groups of men to the point in the centre of the arc of fires.

'All right, wish me luck.'

"Do not cast your thoughts until the absolute last minute. Bending so many minds to your vision will quickly drain you, so you need to limit the amount of time you send them."

Emer sent her warning as he reached the beginning of the path. Trusting her experience with magic, instead of walking down, he dropped to his bottom and slid towards the beach.