Chapter 144: Disaster Strikes Again


Pauley picked up the last of the bags from the pile Aliah left for them when she took the horses. As he did, a package fell out of one of the travel packs. Picking it up to return it to its owner, it partially opened and a note fluttered to the ground.

Although his reading was not the best, the boy could not help himself. Labouring through the words, his eyes widened in astonishment as their importance sunk in.

Checking he understood, he opened the parcel and found something he had been trying to get his hands on for the last couple of days - a tin mirror. Suspicions confirmed, he ripped open the pack the mirror had fallen from. His hands trembled as he placed everything back inside and took the bag and two items to Boss.

'I think you need to see this,' he told the older man.

Taking the letter, the old soldier read it under his breath.