Chapter 145: Casualties of War


'Dominic has gone after Aliah,' Amelia told Boss.

'Do you want me to go with him?' the ex-guard asked.

Amelia shook her head. 'By the time you get through this he will be long gone.'

With little left to say, the two watched Baron Rassmussen and his men make short work of the enemy.

'I think all this was just a diversion,' Boss summed up Amelia's thoughts, and she nodded.

Soon Carstenite soldiers were being rounded up, their weapons confiscated, and they were headed into a holding area where they could be placed under guard. The battle was over.

Amelia expanded her senses, searching for Daniel and seeing if Dominic was still close by. Dominic's essence had disappeared, but she couldn't find Daniel either. Panic welled up, she could not sense him anywhere.

No, there he was …

On the ground.

Amelia rose to her feet and reached out an arm. 'Boss, I need your help me. I want to get over there, to Daniel.'