Chapter 146: Interview With A God


Something sharp dug into Aliah's arm. Rolling to ease the pressure, she found herself unable to move. The pain intensified, cutting through the fuzz inside her head. Gaius had knocked her out. Where was she? Why was she unable to move?

Forcing her eyes open, all she saw was green. All right, she was lying on grass. Wriggling her body, she found her arms tied behind her back, and her feet bound together and pulled up behind her. Hog tied? Someone had hog tied her.

'Ah, you are awake. What fragile bodies you people have.'

'Mmm … mmmm.' Aliah struggled to speak through the gag.

'Oh, I forgot. I guess we are far enough away now that no one will hear you scream.' He wrenched the cloth from her mouth, banging her head on the ground and grazing her cheek.

'What was that you were saying?'

Ignoring the sting of the graze, she answered, 'I said your body is breakable too, Gaius, and once I am free, I will show you just how easy it is to break.'