Chapter 153: A Surprising Ally


Bursting into the clearing, Aliah pulled up short as she spotted Seamus on his knees in front of Gaius. Beside Seamus, hand on his shoulder, stood Walter. Her sudden appearance went unnoticed because they were so focused on their enemy.

This was not what she expected their final battle to look like; Seamus locked in a fight with the god, who wore the face of the person she disliked most in the world. She had also expected the sounds of armies fighting to fill the air, but this was eerily quiet, and very intense. Then again, maybe the real battle had not yet started.

Dominic appeared at her side. 'I did not know you could run so fast, or was that sword assisted speed?'

When she did not reply, he surveyed the scene in front of them to identify the cause of her concern. 'Where are Emer and Liam?'